“There are people who need the very thing you've been holding back.​”

Mark Pierce, The Creative Wound: Heal Your Broken Art

Coaching for Creatives


Let me be your empathetic guide to recovering your creative soul.

I constantly meet gifted people who are unable to share the brilliance that lives inside them because they are fearful or in too much pain.

Whether success for you means forging a full-time career in the arts, or simply being able to enjoy exploring your imagination without the companionship of debilitating emotions, I want to instil creative courage in you. I believe you can recover your creative confidence if you’ve lost it, or finally discover your creative heart if you’re yet to determine where it lies.

My coaching experience

During my time with a series of UK design and branding agencies, I would repeatedly find myself being the unofficial studio counsellor/coach. This was when I discovered I had a knack for pinpointing how an individual had become creatively stuck. I would then help them work through the necessary process so that they could return to an enjoyable and productive creative flow.

There was no on-the-job guidance for doing this, so in my own time I devoured scores of books and courses, and trained myself so that I could help my friends and colleagues more effectively.

The same pattern continues to this day within my own business, which I started in 2005. Scores of my creative clients have first needed restoration and renewed courage before we could effectively work on their project with any real freedom. And helping people with this internal work is far more important to me than simply turning a quick profit. Actually, I’ve discovered this approach is more profitable in the long-term anyway, as I’ve suffered far fewer abandoned projects as a result. Artists who pursue wholeness tend to grow in confidence rather than quitting in a panic part way through.

Because I understand the crippling nature of Creative Wounds, and have healed myself of them many times over the years, I am able, with heartfelt empathy, to take stuck people by the hand and walk them through a journey of reclaiming their creativity.

For over two decades, I have drawn from the streams of psychology and spirituality and stood alongside fellow creatives in the trenches of their personal and professional battles until they secured their individual victories. Beyond artmaking, much of my creative life and work has involved diving into the mud and blood of this invisible war zone to pull people out. Survival and restoration from the brutality of a Creative Wound is a real thing, and I want you to stay creatively alive.

What kind of people do I work with?

I've worked with designers, photographers, songwritersmusicians, authors, models, actors, and business owners — people who needed to tap into their creativity but found the well was dry when they needed it most. 

What will coaching achieve?

I cannot do the work for you, and I'm not here to tell you what to do.  My aim is to put tools into your hands and ideas into your head so you can experience restored wholeness and confidence in relation to your creative world.

As your coach I commit to:

  • Guide you as you clarify your vision and discover your true creative voice
  • Help you look at your creative life from new angles
  • Help you explore the narrative of your life to highlight potential blind spots and locate reasons you are stuck
  • Encourage you when you feel like giving up
  • Help you with strategies to find the right people and environments to help you flourish
  • Explore your personality type and how you can use your uniqueness to best effect

Coaching is not for you if:

  • You are not willing to risk change in order to get where you want to go
  • You are looking for medical or mental health advice, therapy, or counselling. I will share information and thoughts you may find helpful in relation to art and creativity, but please seek personalised professional counsel if your situation needs it

Coaching prices:

At this time I’ve got 2 packages available:

1 SESSION = £45
5 SESSIONS = £200

Contact me today to see if we could be a good fit.

I do sessions over Skype or in person, including non-UK clients if we make our schedules work across time zones. Sessions last for one hour.
